Women’s Fellowship

Sat. 4/27, 10:30 AM JOF would like to invite all women (and female friends!) for a DIY Glass Vase Flip fellowship, to transform an old vase into a new one. Contact Jennifer Song for details.

Membership Class

Sun. 4/28, 12:15 PM - 2:00 PM Pastor Derek will be offering a membership class on Sun. 4/28 in Room 202. If you are interested in becoming a member of our church, we encourage you to attend.

In-person Ministry Leaders Meeting

Sun. 5/5, 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM The Ministry Leaders’ Meeting will follow immediately after fellowship time. Pastor Derek will be leading us in a brief time of teaching at the beginning of the meeting. Please read Chapter 12 of Improving Your Serve.

Mother’s Day Service and Banquet

Sun. 5/12, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM It’s that time of year to celebrate all that our moms do for us—which is everything! Please join us for Mother’s Day and a wonderful banquet after service.

Child Dedication

Sun. 6/16, during service We want to raise our children to love, honor, and grow in God. If you would like to dedicate your child to follow God, please contact Pastor Derek.

Father’s Day Potluck

Sun. 6/16, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Just as our Father gives us love, direction, and stability, so do our wonderful earthly fathers. Please join us as we celebrate our dads with a Father’s Day Potluck on Sun. 6/16, immediately following worship.

Summer Pool Party Extravaganza!

Sat. 6/22, 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM Pastor Derek and Kathy will be opening up their home to the church for a pool party and potluck on Sat. 6/22. Please save the date!

Bible Study Topics Survey

Bible Study Topics Survey Pastor Derek is planning a 10-week bible study from September to November and is requesting feedback from the congregation regarding topics of interest. The link for the survey is below. Please contact Pastor Derek with any questions. Bible Study Topics Survey  

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