Life Group Leaders’ Training
Sat. 7/27, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM Pastor Brian will be leading a Life Group Leaders’ Training for anyone who is currently a life group leader or interested in becoming one. Please mark your calendars!
Sat. 7/27, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM Pastor Brian will be leading a Life Group Leaders’ Training for anyone who is currently a life group leader or interested in becoming one. Please mark your calendars!
Sun. 7/28, during service It’s time to acknowledge our children growing older and graduating into the Journey Kids and celebrating the high school graduations of our Journey Youth. May God always be with these children.
Sun. 7/28, 8/11, 8/18, 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM Kathy Quan will be leading a Women’s Bible Study series, using the book/video series, Seamless, by Angie Smith. This series aims to teach the Bible as a whole seamless thread. The next session will occur on Sun. 5/19. Please join the study in Room 304 after fellowship. […]
The In-Person Ministry Leaders’ Meeting will follow immediately after fellowship time. Pastor Derek will be leading us in a brief time of teaching at the beginning of the meeting. Please read chapter 13 of Improving Your Serve by Charles Swindoll.
Beginning 8/9 JOF Life Groups is a place where we gather to share our life in Christ (1 John 5:11-12). It’s a place where we get to know the members of JOF in the comforts of our homes and encourage one another as we journey with Christ together. Open enrollment will start in the month […]
Sun. 9/8 - Last Day for Donations Pastor Josh is doing well with his mission in the Philippines. He has a key coworker, JC, who is getting Bible training in Manila. The cost is $2500 for the first year for tuition, room and board. The JOF Deacon Board has unanimously agreed to set up a fund to raise […]
Sun. 8/11, 8/18, 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM Kathy Quan will be leading the Women’s Bible Study series, Seamless, by Angie Smith. This series aims to teach the Bible as a whole seamless thread. The next session will occur on Sun. 7/28. Please join the study in Room 304 after fellowship. Childcare will be provided.
Tue. 8/13, 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM Please join us for corporate prayer via Zoom. We will be praying for the church, leaders, one another, and other matters. Even if you are unable to join, please pray for the church during your personal prayer time.