Spring Cleaning
3/23 Sun Spring Cleaning
3/23 Sun Spring Cleaning
Sun. 3/30 - Last Day for Donations JOF is partnering with Hope Women’s Center! We are collecting items for donation on Sundays in February and March: hygiene products, shampoo, unused socks & undergarments. Please contact Kim Pak for questions.
Sun. 3/30, 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM The Ministry Leaders’ Meeting will follow immediately after fellowship time on Sun. 3/30. If you are a ministry leader, please join us in Room 304.
Sat. 4/5, 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM Ever wondered what it’s like to be a pastor for a day? Come pray for the people at the Merchantile Market on Sat. 4/5. Volunteer for 1-2 hour time slots. Contact Kim Pak at kimvpak1@gmail.com for details.
Please join us for corporate prayer via Zoom. We will be praying for the church, leaders, one another, and other matters. Even if you are unable to join, please lift up the church during your personal prayer time.
Good Friday Service
Easter Service, Easter Egg Hunt, Baptism
Women’s Fellowship