Joint Life Group Meetings
January/February Please coordinate with the group(s) listed below for a joint life group fellowship in the upcoming weeks. Acts, Lighthouse, and North (date TBD) GIFT and Manna (2/11)
January/February Please coordinate with the group(s) listed below for a joint life group fellowship in the upcoming weeks. Acts, Lighthouse, and North (date TBD) GIFT and Manna (2/11)
Sun. 3/3, During Service We will be introducing seven new members during Sunday Service: Matthew and Christina Eng, Josh and Esther Hong, Eugene and Kim Pak, and Jan Reynolds. Welcome! We’re so glad you’re here.
Tues. 3/12, 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM Please join us for corporate prayer via Zoom. We will be praying for the church, leaders, one another, and other matters. Even if you are unable to join us, please pray for the church during your personal prayer time. Click here for the prayer topics.
Sat. 3/23, 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM The Men’s Ministry will be hosting a Paint Blitz with Pastor Dave Bennett and Barrio Nuevo. Evites have been sent. Please see Steve Lee for more details.
Women’s Ministry - Baby Shower for Bora Reish Sat. 3/23, 10:00 AM Join us as we shower Josh and Bora Reish’s baby with love and gifts. Evites have been sent out. Please see Janis Lee for details.
Fri. 3/29, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Join us for a time of reflection to recognize Good Friday and the significance of this holy day
Sun. 3/31, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM He is risen! He is risen indeed! Join us for Easter Sunday Worship on Sun. 3/31 at 10:30 AM, in-person or online. We will celebrate Jesus’ resurrection together!
After Service Women’s Bible Study Sun. 4/7, 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM Kathy Quan will be leading a Women’s Bible Study series, using the book/video series, Seamless, by Angie Smith. This series aims to teach the Bible as a whole seamless thread. The second session will occur on Sun. 4/7. Please join the study in […]